Friday, September 22, 2006

I just bought a guitar

Been thinking about it for a while, and found one of those crappy beginner kits for a good deal today. Fifty bucks off, and the regular price was fifty less than what those things usually cost. And I figured that I had random spending money for a change, so why not? So I got it, and it comes with the guitar, a whammy bar, some extra strings, a few picks, a little practice amp, a battery-operated tuning thingy, a fairly cool bag to put most of it in, and an instructional DVD with one of those dudes who's probably in some will-never-be-known local band but makes a ton of money anyway off instructional DVDs showing you the basics. But after I spent some time with it, watching the video and tinkering around with it for a few hours, I think it serves an entirely different purpose than what was originally intended. I think I just spent $112 on a "your fingers are much too fat to ever properly play a chord, jerk" starter kit.


Maybe I should look for a Dino Cazares guitar instructional video. That guy can play, and his fingers have to be like ten little Grilled Stuft Burritos.

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