Saturday, December 09, 2006

Current Status

Plecostomus still only remaining living fish. He doesn't seem to mind. Not sure if it was that bacteria cycle stuff or what, but the tank has suddenly changed. The water looks a lot clearer, the plecostomus actually comes out in the open during the day for some reason, and algae seems to be growing on everything, thankfully not including the glass. Before, it never would grow on anything, despite the fact that I was constantly dropping the little wafers in there. Also, I gave up on the search and bought new algae wafers, which in addition to being a different brand are also a different color. So maybe now, the new green algae will mix with the old reddish algae that's already there to create some new greenish-red strain of super-algae. Or it could just kill us all, who knows. Hopefully the former.

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