Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I still have a fish tank

Yet still only one fish. But you know those little $2 packs of plant bulbs you get at Wal Mart that never grow?
Well, mine did!

Kiss my ass, plastic plants! Ha! And here's a close-up of my amzingly still-not-dead rubber lipped plecostomus.

I really should come up with a name for him, but I never officially named my cat, so that would just seem backwards. I shouldn't have wasted Kellen Winslow III on that guppy, probably. And that little brown rock looking thing next to the fake jaguar skull is a lily bulb that started to sprout, but never finished. I should probably scoop that out of there, because if it ever starts growing for real, the tank'll be completely choked with greenery.

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