Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The weather outside is frightful

Or at least it was a day or so ago. But I'm still without power, and the OG&E guy on the radio said it could be 7-10 days before everybody has theirs back, (apparently, the OKC and Tulsa areas have over 300,00 people down right now, which is some sort of state record) but as far as I can tell, I live in the only place in town without power, so maybe they'll hit my area soon, for the PR points of saying that all of Norman is back on. Eh, who knows. But for the time being, me, my cat, and my two fish are holed up at my brother's house, where we have to suffer such indignities as being forced to live with working heat, over a zillion TV channels on a TV as big as my car, and actually having enough room to turn 90 degrees without killing my shin on a retardedly-placed cinder block or dead computer from 2001.

But we'll make it somehow.

I actually managed to snap a few pictures of ICY DEVASTATION~! on my crappy little camera, but I didn't get very many, as three AAA batteries last approximately 45 seconds in that godforsaken thing. The sad part is that I wasn't really exaggerating much there. But as soon as I'm back in my fully-powered hovel again, I'll find the wire that connects the camera to the PC and throw some of those up, hopefully, in sooner than 7-10 days.

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