Monday, June 27, 2005


Went ahead and bit the bullet, and there should be a brand-new Dell on my doorstep (or at the post office; I don't know how they send these things) by Monday-ish. So yeah. Between the $273 hit I take Thursday when I pay my brother for all the various moving expenses, the 150 a month in various car payments, 60 or so for car insurance, 50 for cable/internet, whatever the hell rent is, electricty, needing to get my cat spayed, needing to get a phone, and whatever expenses are going to pop up when it's least convenient, adding that extra monthly PC payment is going to cripple my ass. I should still be able to pay all my bills, but I'll have to stay away from the $5.50 DVD bin and become reacquainted with the joys of ramen noodles and Ghetto Helper (add tuna or $1-a-tube ground turkey to Great Value brand macaroni and cheese - Total cost, about 80 cents for the tuna version and $1.33 for turkey.) for quite a while. In case an old roommate of mine ever stumbles across this page, I'd just like to point out that that's what you do when you wanna buy expensive shit: You make sure all bills can be paid and do without in other areas. You don't let rent go for 4 months so you can buy a computer that's about $1000 out of your price range, you stupid faux-lesbian moron. You know, if that woman ever paid me the money she owed me, it would knock out roughly half the cost of that damn computer. I'm not bitter. No, really. Anyway, to kill time, I'll probably go hammer out some sort of website update on my computer (the one that can't get on the internet) save it on a CD-R, and hopefully, you fuckwits can have something to read whenever the new stuff comes in. And I need to remember to pay the cable bill tomorrow. Crap.

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