Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Current Status

Started small on fish tank; three random guppies and a rubber-lipped plecostomus. Plecostomus darted and hid behind heater, possible bad sign; guppies saw floating food and munched like no other, possible good sign. Water temperature approx. 78 degrees.

I know I could have gone big time and gotten some gangsta-ass Oscars or something, but I'm really into peace and harmony amongst fish, so I went with guppies. I'll let those guys flutter around for a while, and if the tank proves survivable, I'll go get some neons or those little frogs something, or possibly a betta, since their brains only fill up with murder when other bettas are around. I thought about those pink kissing fish, but my brother's is like the size of something you could totally eat now, and it's only a ten gallon tank, so that may not be wise. Also, I need more plants and something for nocturnal stuff like the algae eater to hide under.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

In other news, Christians are still crazy.

Anonymous said...

My dad had Oscars once. One tried to bite me. Looking back, it now seems silly of me to put my hand in there.