Saturday, November 18, 2006


I think I'm about to give up on this fish tank thing. Kellen Winslow Jr. bit the dust this morning, and the dalmatian molly followed suit sometime between lunch and me getting home today, and the black molly won't eat or swim in any direction, even if you tap on the glass right next to him, meaning he's probably got a few hours left. The yellow guppy and the algae eater show no signs of any trouble right now, but aside from the black guppy with the mangled tail, neither did any of the other fish I keep killing. With hindsight, I should have just gone with the gangsta-ass Oscar tank, because that way, all the fish would still die, but they'd be going out fighting, instead of just floating.
Keeping fish might be the most depressing and infuriating hobby there is, outside of being a Chicago Bears fan.

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