Saturday, July 01, 2006

Total Moveage, Pt. One

Over the course of the next few weeks, I'm totally moving out of this place, and into a place of my own. It's like either the world's smallest apartment or the world's most luxurious closet. It's gonna be sweet. And until the inevitable gap between when I ask Cox to transfer my internet over there and when something inevitably fucks up, leaving me net-less for a week, I figured I'd chronicle anything interesting that happens between now and then. So yeah, website updates will be nonexistent, as all free time will either be spent packing and moving, or spent doing nothing while thinking how bad I need to be packing and moving. Anyway, the shit went down today. All kinds of deposits and first-month's-rents, and shit like that got paid. Right now, my bank balance is officially 914.77, but by the time all the checks and stuff from the last few days clear, I'll have a little over 200 bucks. This includes the last rent for this place, (double the usual amount, since my brother paid like five whole months at once earlier this year) the cable bill I just paid, the deposit to turn the electricity on, and the ten bucks or so I spent today for some mini-blinds and one of those sink strainer things you use to keep your sink from getting clogged by hell of macaroni noodles. Also, the deposit and first month's rent had already been paid for the new place, which serves as a startling example both of how much money I can accumulate over the summer, as well as how fast it can be pissed away. Also, I paid forty-five (gotta love those 20% off coupons you get every week from Bed, Bath, & Beyond) dollars for a Foreman Grill of my very own. Turns out, my brother's girlfriend has like five and would have given me one, but fuck it, I'm getting most of my other appliances for free, so I have to do at least one giant spendathon to ring in the new life of roommatelessness. Plus, it has detachable grill plates. It'll be so clean so often. Man. Anyway, power's on at the new tinyplace, so I managed to take a Hefty Carload over there earlier. The blinds I bought ended up being too small, but this was rectified by moving the blind-holder things in a quarter inch or so with the weak-ass-but-still-useful Black and Decker cordless Battery Operated Screwdriver I splurged fifteen dollars on a month ago. The only potential problem I see so far is the air conditioner. The thing's bootleg as all hell. Like the decorative-and-functional front part air conditoners have to protect the delicate inner-workings is completely gone, and there's not even an air filter on there. Also, the fins or whatever you call them are all mashed down, (possibly attributed to the front part being gone) so air intake is probably a problem, leading to future disaster, and the thing is loud. Supposedly, a dude at work has a fairly modernized window unit back home that I can use if my window will hold it, so this might not be too much of a concern, though. If he comes through with that, I have to hook him up with pirated Venture Brothers DVDs. A good aspect of the new place, past the bootleg air conditooner and the tinyness of it all, is the shower. The shower at the current homestead sucks. Actually, it's broken, as in having to take baths. But even when it worked, there was no water pressure. But the new place, man, it has huge carloads of water pressure. I cleansed myself there earlier, and it was beautiful. And when I transfer my $17 shower head to that one, I'll be in for a new world of shower-based luxuriation. The only problem was that I forgot to take a towel, so I had to dry off with the pants I wore today.

And oh yeah, after I was done drying off, I had to run a naked lap around the living room-type area.

Just because I could.

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